Thursday, October 22, 2009

NL for Naught?

Big-picture, interleague record, statistically speaking, the National League may be worse than the American League. But the NL is 4-9 this decade where it counts, in the World Series. And really, when it comes down to it, there are only three dope teams in the AL, the navy-blue-Devils, the Sawx, and the Halos. no other team impresses.

Certainly, a significant part of the Yanks' postseason success has been beating up on the likes of the Rangers and Twins in the ALDS. While I'm here, let me just say that the baseball rule preventing division winners from playing the wild card if the wild card is from within the same division is asinine. No other sport has this rule. It's a topic/tangent for another time, but baseball once had the most meritorious playoff system in all sport, now it has the most arbitrary and asinine.

Well, a shitty NLCS gives us the Phils. Tough for the boys in blue because there's nowhere for them to go. The team as presently constituted is fine, there are no clear areas for marked improvement. It's just that the Phils are better. And seeing how shook the Blue Crew played, we are better off for it, at least we know the Phils won't be intimidated by the sight of bro'd out brokers, Challenger the Eagle, Kate Hudson (Goldie Hawn is hotter. Now.), pinstripes (they have their own awful version that makes the whole shirt look pink), and Rudy G.


Bryan said...

Yeah, the fact that the team that god rid of them won is probably not a coincidence.

coaches said...

Their starting pitching is prolly their weakest part, but it's still solid. After the Phils' top two, they matched up well. EXCEPT FOR PEDRO.

what eeeeef.....Pedro hadn't gotten hurt right before the 06 playoffs?

coaches said...

also, Torre is a fascinating photographic subject, there are so many nooks, crannies, valleys and bags to his face, I feel like there's so much more to explore artistically.

Fred Coupon said...

You must mean El Duque. Pedro was hurt all year anyway, cause he stunk in the first half.

Still think the Queens DA should press some sort of larceny charges on Petey.

Bryan said...

"also, Torre is a fascinating photographic subject, there are so many nooks, crannies, valleys and bags to his face, I feel like there's so much more to explore artistically."

Did the tears carve out those canyons?

I used to get Christmas cards from the Queens DA.

Fred Coupon said...

I'm generally the one to rain on any optimism, but the only thing I can hang my hat on is that the Phillies core (Rollins, Utley, Howard) had to go through Larry Bowa-led gag jobs in the early aughts before putting it together. Their stars are all over 30 (except Hamels and Victorino) while Wright and Reyes are still 26. But it doesn't matter since the team will largely look the same, which means we'll all be...


coaches said...

haha, yes coups.

cole hamels has to be HYA-HYOOGE concern going into the Series which begins in a month or so.

let's just hope Lackey can extend the yanks a tad.

is Richard "Dick" Brown still the Queens D.A.?
And Coups, what do you mean? Pedro brought the luster back that got us Beltran and the rest is history. butt seriously, i have no hard feelings against Pedro. He was hoit, he took a serious time off, and it's paid off. bullpen for Pedro?

Fred Coupon said...

"Pedro brought the luster back that got us Beltran and the rest is history."

Yeah, that's one illustrious history. One postseason appearance wedged between two division dynasties.

coaches said...

well, my tongue was planted firmly in cheek re: history, but he did bring some shine and sizzle back to Los Mets. I would take him back next year if he wanted to go to the bullpen and spot start.

Bryan said...

We could offer him a stickball contract. Aram, you would have to move back. And you would.

coachie said...

for pedro--anything.

we are in round 2 of 3 of the sticks playoffs here in l.a.

have the yanks scored a run yet?

cannatar said...

Round 2 of 3? How many people are in the playoffs?

coaches said...

5 pitchers, we had a play-in game for the 4th seed as round 1.